Print and digital subscriptions to journals, newspapers, databases, research, looseleafs and much more. These individual orders are often low value and time-consuming to manage in-house. Publishers include auto-renewal clauses making it difficult for customers to deny the renewal. Prenax is able to capture and control this spend to save customers considerable time.
Print and digital subscriptions to journals, newspapers, databases, research, looseleafs and much more. These individual orders are often low value and time-consuming to manage in-house. Publishers include auto-renewal clauses making it difficult for customers to deny the renewal. Prenax is able to capture and control this spend to save customers considerable time.
Prenax manages both professional and corporate memberships. This means fewer payments and expense claims, less administration, fewer suppliers and a fully-managed, standardised and tailored process for renewals and approvals.
Books and eBooks are also available through the Prenax catalog. For companies with requirements for print, Prenax can make available its consolidation services. This means that customers can receive shelf-ready books and major works with the benefit of fewer deliveries. Prenax holds stock of popular titles ensuring prompt next-day deliveries. The Prenax consolidation tailored service can include labelling, stamping and bar-coding amongst other things.
LibMetrix saves time and effort by gathering and analyzing customer resources’ usage statistics. Through LibMetrix, customers understand at a glance which are the main drivers in the performance of their resources.
Educating end-users on the terms of use for their active subscriptions can be difficult. In the interests of encouraging compliance and on reducing the risk of reputational and financial damage, Prenax can source, summarize and host all the publisher terms. End-users understand the limitations as a glance and the business has visibility of this to spot potential risks.